

Original price was: ₹4,460.00.Current price is: ₹4,455.00.

Featuring an accurate 22-bit ADC and a high-quality O3 sensor protected by a stainless mesh, this Click board™ can be used in a range of applications used to measure or detect O3 gas concentrations in the atmosphere, for small testing equipment development, various warning systems for air quality/ozone pollution, and other similar applications that are used for the ozone concentration detection and monitoring.

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How Does It Work?

The main sensor component of the Ozone 2 click is the MQ131 ozone (O3) gas sensor from Winsen Sensor, which uses the SnO2 (tin-oxide) alloy, which decreases its resistance while exposed to the O3 gas. The greater the O3 concentration is, the more conductive this material becomes. This can be utilized to obtain the O3 concentration readings. The sensor itself contains a small heating element, connected to 5V power supply.
On-board modules MQ131 sensor, MCP3551
Key Features Ozone concentration 10-1000 ppm
Communicates over the AN pin or ADC MCP3551
Sensitivity Rs(in air)/Rs(in 50 ppm O3)≥3,
Onboard potentiometer for calibration

Type Gas Ozone Sensor
Interface Analog, SPI
Compatibility mikroBUS
Click board Size 57.15 x 25.4 mm
Input Voltage 3.3V or 5V


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