
Maxbotix MB7566-100 SCXL-MaxSonar-WRL Ultrasonic Sensor

Original price was: ₹18,299.00.Current price is: ₹18,294.00.

The MB7566 from the SCXL-MaxSonar-WR line of outdoor sensors is a rugged ultrasonic sensor component module. This sensor comes in a compact and robust PVC housing that meets the IP67 water intrusion standard and matches standard electrical 3/4‑inch PVC pipe fittings.

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Features of the weather-resistant MB7566, SCXL-MaxSonar-WRL, include reduced impact of condensation and frost when ran continuously in closed or high-moisture environments, millimeter resolution, short to long distance detection, range information from 500mm to 9999 mm for the nearest detectable target, a 0.6Hz read rate, and various output options: pulse-width, analog voltage, and RS232 serial.

The long, narrow detection zone
The small, lightweight module
Designed for easy integration into your project or product
Real-time automatic calibration (voltage, humidity, and ambient noise)
Firmware filtering for excellent noise tolerance and clutter rejection
Weather resistant (IP67), optional chemical resistant F-Option


Resolution (mm) 1
Read Rate (Hz) 0.57
Operating voltage (v) 2.7-5.5
Average Current (mA) 68
Weather Resistant IP67
Operational temperature -40°C to +65°C (-40°F to +149°F)


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