
Maxbotix MB1023-000 HRLV-MaxSonar-EZ2 Ultrasonic Sensor

Original price was: ₹3,299.00.Current price is: ₹3,294.00.

Features of the MB1023, HRLV-MaxSonar-EZ2, include millimeter resolution, an excellent compromise between sensitivity and side object rejection, short to long distance detection, range information from 300mm to 5000mm, a 10Hz read rate, and various output options: pulse-width, analog voltage, and a choice of either RS232 or TTL serial.

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This makes the MB1023 is a great choice for applications that require decreased sensitivity to side objects than the MB1013.

The MB1023 from the HRLV‑MaxSonar‑EZ line of sensors is a very small, less than one cubic inch, ultrasonic sensor component module. This sensor comes with mounting holes provided on the circuit board for easy installation in nearly all applications.

In addition, the MB1023 offers virtually noise free distance readings through the use of high-output acoustic power combined with continuously variable gain, real‑time background automatic calibration, real‑time waveform signature analysis, and noise rejection algorithms. This holds true even in the presence of many of the various acoustic or electrical noise sources.
Internal temperature compensation
Cost-effective solution where precision range-findings are needed
Sensor component allows users to lower the cost of their systems without sacrificing performance
42kHz Ultrasonic sensor measures distance to objects
RoHS compliant

Operating Voltage (V) : 2.5-5.5
Resolution (m) : 1
Reading Rate : 10Hz


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