
2s- 80 Minutes Delay Time PIR Sensor Module SB412A Based On PIR Sensor AM412

Original price was: ₹379.00.Current price is: ₹374.00.

Due to the high sensitivity of the PIR sensor device, it is not recommended to use the module in the following or similar conditions.
A) in rapid environmental changes
B) in strong shock or vibration
C) in a place where there is obstructing material (eg. glass) through which IR cannot pass within the detection area.
D) exposed to direct sunlight
E) exposed to direct wind from a heater or air condition

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SB412A is the latest digital sensor module that is based on AM412 digital sensor. It only contains a
Fresnel lens, PCB, and a few resistance.


Compact size 18*10 mm
Supply Voltage DC3~12V
Quiescent Current ≤20uA
Voltage Output High level signal: 3V, Standby output is 0V or Open-Collector Output
Blockade time 2.3S
Trigger mode Repeatable triggered
Infrared sensor dual element, low noise, high sensitivity
Detecting length 3~5m
Detecting Angle ≥100°


Model No. SB412A
Usage Animated props, Alarm systems, Responsive lighting
Operating Temperature -20℃~60℃
Light Sensitivity No CdS photocell
Delay time 2S- 80 minutes
Sensitivity(S) high sensitivity
High Level Signal 3.0v
Technology MOSFET (Metal Oxide)


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